Installation and Initial Configuration Guide
The initial configuration procedure you have just performed will enable you
to access the IBM 2212 over the network if you configured an IP address for
The configuration provided by QCONFIG depends upon many default values for
parameters, some of which may not be appropriate to your installation.
You may need to modify the configuration that you have created using QCONFIG
to customize the IBM 2212 to work on your network. You can do this
using either of these methods:
- Configuration Program
Here are some of the factors that users cite in favor of the Configuration
- It enables centralized maintenance of configuration files for multiple IBM
- It provides table-oriented, intuitive organization of data items.
- It performs more input validation and cross-checking of parameters than
the command-line method.
- In includes online helps for individual data items.
- Command line interface (OPCON)
Here are some of the factors that users cite in favor of the command-line
- It provides a single integrated method for configuration, dynamic
reconfiguration, and monitoring.
- It is well documented in product publications and IBM "redbooks."
- It is simple to make and try quick configuration changes.
- Setting up a user console does not require as many workstation resources
or as much time as installing the Configuration Program.
See the following guides for help creating a full configuration:
- Configuration Program User's
- Access Integration Services Software User's Guide
- Access Integration Services Using and Configuring
- Access Integration Services Protocol Configuration and Monitoring
Reference, Volumes 1
and 2
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